Nourished Connections

How to get your kids to exercise

Health Coach Heather Season 1 Episode 28

Most kids struggle moving their bodies throughout the day. But I want you to help your child change that. This is why I highly recommend family workouts. Exercise together! 

  • Here is a great website for you to watch short videos of workouts kids can do. 
  • Try a couple of YouTube channels for kids exercise. PE Joe and Cosmic Yoga

One of the best things you can do as a parent is to plan the workouts. Just as you do a meal plan for the week, create an exercise plan for your family for the week.

Are you ready to eliminate and get rid of electronics? I think it's an excellent idea. Learn more about the dangers of EMF's HERE

There are so many ways you can help your kids get more movement in. But if you'd like a family health coach to council with, let's set up a call together. Click
HERE and let's do a Discovery Call together.

My students have been asking me how to help their kids stop fighting, stop eating junk food, and stop being addicted to electronics. I’ve decided to put together a brand new training designed to help busy parents create more discipline, connection and healthier habits within the home. It’s called “The Warrior Family Success System.” To be the first one notified of any releases, updates, etc.. please click

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