Nourished Connections

60. Stop Your Cravings

March 06, 2021 Health Coach Heather Season 2

Do you have cravings that are taking over your health plan? Maybe you finally cracked down on hitting your goals, but then a piece of candy starts to take over. Before you know it, you ate the candy and then some!
Why do our bodies have cravings and how can we take control of our lives once and for all? Find out in this episode.

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Speaker 1:

I'm health coach, Heather, and you are listening to episode 60. Stop your craving.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

You are listening to the healthy families rule podcast, hosted by health coach, Heather master health coach and wellness educator, specializing in family health. The show is about raising a strong, healthy, resilient family with confidence and courage in a confused world. Hang out with me each week to learn recipes, exercise practices, and coaching tips to apply to your mental and physical wellbeing. Please note that the info provided in the show is intended to educate and elevate, but it's not meant to be a substitute for advice from your medical provider. Morning, everybody. How's it going today? Happy to be back with you on this lovely spring day. I'm recording this on what's the date today? March 5th. Okay. The podcast goes out on the sixth early morning. So hope you guys are, are tuning in right when I post it. It's 6:00 AM, um, Arizona time, which right now is mountain standard time. Every single Saturday. This is going to be the last episode in season two. We start season three next week. Can you believe that? So we are 60 episodes in my friends. Haven't missed a single week, and this is exciting for me to be able to deliver my knowledge. Things that I'm learning, give it to you and your families so that you can help yourself and your children to be as healthy as possible and thrive because we just don't know what's coming, but we see what we can control. You guys is our health and how we take care of our body. At least for right now, we can control that. So while we can control that, let's control that let's do all the things that I'm teaching you right here in this podcast. Every time I interview someone, take it in, um, evaluate and see if what that person is is offering is something that would benefit your family. Go find the people that I interview, go follow them, invest in their coaching, invest in their, um, healings and therapies that they have, because this is all really, really great holistic stuff. Let's get to keep you off of medications. It's going to keep you out of the doctor's office. And this is what we need to be thinking about. As we head into the future of what our health care should look like, it needs to start before we have problems. We need to take care of ourselves right now. Okay? Because I promise you stressful times are ahead more than we've been through. And if we can get to the point right now, where we're already in a routine of self care, taking our vitamins, doing all the things that we're teaching here on this podcast, you're going to be so far ahead of 99% of the population. When stuff hits, you'll have already done the mental health work to know how to coach yourself and help yourself and your family to heal and to thrive and to establish stability and balance within the body homeostasis. And so that's what I want to teach you. And today's topic. I want to talk to you about cravings. I'm actually surprised I haven't talked to you guys about cravings, um, thus far, because cravings are well, they're interesting, aren't they? And there's a lot of different, interesting ideas out there about cravings. Some people crave really weird things. Um, you've probably heard people crave things like chalk or clay, uh, or weird stuff like that, but that's because their body is missing out on some minerals that they're not yet getting. And if they can fill those minerals in those kinds of cravings will go away. I want to mention my favorite book here on this topic of cravings, lots of health people have a favorite book on this topic of, of getting rid of cravings. Mine stems from an IRA Ayurvedic practice. I love IRA Veda. And this book is called stop your cravings by Jennifer Workman. And I first learned about Jennifer when I was in health coaching school, uh, the Institute of integrative nutrition. And when I was listening to her, I just thought, wow, this lady is speaking something that my heart is feeling. I got to follow this path of by your beta. I got to find out more about it. It just feels real and true to me. And I got her book and every time I read it, I'm just always blown away. I just love what I'm reading. So I want you to go check that out. Learn more about your beta, of course, because your cravings will start to go away. Now, what are your cravings for a lot of people, craved sugar. A lot of people crave chocolate. Um, a lot of people crave, crunchy foods, greasy foods, fast foods, alcohol caffeine. Before we even dive into cravings, let's think about what your body might be missing. That isn't something you actually ingest. Are you longing for a good chat with a friend, a romantic night with a spouse or a loved one? Um, are you craving just, just some deep connections with people, your parents, friendships are what are, what is it actually that you're, you're wanting in your life that you're not getting, let's evaluate every aspect of your life. Do you, do you have this desire and urge to travel more? And you just can't are you craving that? If we can start to feel some of these voids in your life that you're not getting right now, interestingly enough, the brain starts to balance. Some of those are other areas where you're filling a need to binge or give into cravings that are unhealthy for your body. And I also want to talk about that. Sometimes we think we're doing something unhealthy for our body when we're answering a craving, but on the other hand, our body, you know, it's so intuitive. It's so smart. Every time you eat something or take something in it's going into ourselves, and we've got these memory cells that are recording ingredients and things that are in these foods that we eat, even if they're junk food. And so yes, cravings, beget cravings. So the more sugar or junk you eat, the more things like that, you're going to crave, but there's also some kind of nutrition. I want to say that might not even be complete nutrition, but there's something in that food your body really, really wants. And I've heard this time and time again, when somebody's craving a certain type of cookie. Well, there's some ingredient within that cookie and sometimes it's not sugar, right? It's something else that the body is actually needing to support it. So this isn't giving you permission to go and, and give in to all of your cravings all the time. Cause we got to look at things. We got to look at, uh, the whole picture of what cravings, when we answer them are doing to our body and our health. We don't want to have fatty liver disease and have problems there. Okay. And so yes, it might be okay here and there to give into, to a craving for a treat, but are we doing it all the time? And, and how can we replace or replenish the minerals and the healthy foods that our body needs so that we start craving those other foods more. Now, if you're eating a lot of fruits and vegetables and you are taking your vitamins, chances are your cravings are going to start going away pretty quick. And especially if your electrolytes are balanced, your electrolytes are your magnesium, your potassium, your calcium and your salt. So if we can get those balanced, I like to purchase something called trace minerals. I might've mentioned it before. There's just drops. They don't taste great. That kind of tastes like almost like milk when you pour it into water. Right. Kind of weird Milky a little bit. Um, but as from the magnesium, magnesium can do that. So what I do is I just put those drops in my water. I'm used to the flavor. I can even put a drop of essential oil in there, like a lime or a citrus tea. It's fine. Doesn't bother me. It tastes great. And then I'm, I'm sure to get those electrolyte levels up. Now, some people think, well, I only need to take electrolytes if I'm working out and I'm sweating a lot. Well, this isn't really true. And that's what the electrolyte companies, you know, on their products will say, you know, take this book before and after a workout, you really need to be sipping on those more and more and more throughout the day because those mineral levels are, are what are going to help to balance things in your body pretty quickly. So that those cravings go away. And a lot of people who have mental health issues like depression or anxiety, stress, and overwhelm, once they get those electrolytes balanced, that goes away too, because it's like a mental health rebalancing. It's really nice. I would highly recommend that you start looking into electrolytes more and I'm not talking about your Gatorade or your vitamin water. Those are going to have a lot of sugar in them. So if you can just find a good natural source for your electrolytes, I'll, I'll try to post in the show notes, a couple of links for you to check out. Um, you're going to feel a lot better. You just are. You're going to have energy. In fact, when people do intermittent fasting for long periods of time, they they'll still sip on their bone broth in their water. I always tell them to sip on an electrolyte drink, to cause the electrolytes help to give them energy, keep them going throughout their fasting windows and things like that. So consider highly considered do it. Don't even consider it. Do it, get your electrolytes in. Okay. Now, if you are someone who experiences loss of appetite, like maybe you're just not hungry and you're not craving anything. And you're you have a hard time even wanting to eat well, you're probably low on potassium. I remember a story about a gentleman who had lost his wife. Like she had just died of cancer or something like that. And he just lost his appetite. Wasn't eating, wasn't hungry, depressed, obviously. I think it was his sister who asked him, you just got to eat. Is there anything that sounds good to you at anything at all? I'll go, I'll go get it for you or whatever. And he said, the only thing that, that sounds good to me right now is some warm banana bread, just a warm piece of banana bread. And that was interesting that he said that somebody had actually shown up at the hospital with a warm loaf of banana bread cause they were prompted and inspired to do so and happened to be, they didn't know why, but this loaf one to that guy. So it was kind of a miracle there too. But I thought that was interesting that the only thing he was craving was banana bread because a loss of appetite equals low potassium and what's potassium, what's it in bananas. So interesting how your body is going to crave things. And sometimes we're going to say to our body, no, that's not good for us, but it might be another ingredient within whatever that is that we are low on that we need to help us. Isn't that fascinating? I really think it is. If nothing satisfies and you find yourself just having the munchies with no relief or you find yourself craving ice to crunch, that's usually low calcium, whatever you crave, see if you can get it, eat it or do it. Then notice if you feel better and follow your next prompting, which is trying to lead you back to health and equilibrium. I'm taking some classes right now from an insanely intelligent woman who was, it sounds like she was a doula or midwife. She would help birth babies. She's teaching some classes right now on Thursday nights. And her last class was about how we nourish to reduce stress, to talk a little bit about cravings. But you know, she would ask a lot of her, her clients who are having babies, you know, what they were craving. And usually those things that they were craving, there were some nutrient nutrition in them that their body was needing at the time she was craving, um, herself at the time, the color or something red. And that's interesting to crave like a color, something that's a certain color. Isn't that fascinating? I think it's fascinating. Well, she was craving something that was red. And so she went around the store to look for something red and the color red that she was found out. She was craving was goji berries, and goji berries are an antioxidant and bear it's like a super food. So that was interesting that her body was wanting something red. She didn't know what it was. As she walked around the store, she saw what it was and she was able to satisfy her craving that way. There are some signs of low electrolytes, such as watery eyes and nose, sneezing, dry skin and lips, constipation, lack of thirst, a sense of deep depression and despair with tears and a craving for salt indicating lack of sodium. So those electrolytes, you know, they're really, really important to start balancing things out. If you have a feeling of panic nerves, freight, or wanting to isolate nerve pain in the body, lack of gurgles coming from the intestinal track, skinny poops, and a craving for orange juice or potatoes. This is a sign of low as well. So we need to up the potassium. Now, if you have tight sore or twitchy muscles, hams that fall asleep at night, headaches, a sense of great overwhelm and a failure to be able to get things done and a craving for chocolate indicating that's going to indicate some low magnesium levels. If you have poor restless sleep with bad dreams and you do some teeth, grinding irritability and anger and craving dairy and cream, plus all of the other electrolytes that indicates low calcium, it is common for people under great stress and suffering from low electrolytes to crave junk food. There was plenty of junk in junk food, but it can nonetheless be a great source of electrolytes. I won't defend the oils used to make French fries for example, but the potatoes containing potassium and the salt make a good replacement of those two electrolytes, a chocolate shake, supplies, magnesium and calcium, the protein and iron needed. If you are a woman on your period in a burger supplies, amino acids to make neurotransmitters and people do feel better as a result, you can probably survive the unsavory ingredients for the time being, if you need junk food for the moment, go have some. And as soon as you can regroup, add some kind of electrolyte replacement and adrenal support and solid food from wherever your cravings are taking you, if you find you're having cravings. Okay. And then I also like to mention herbal teas. It's nice to be sipping on herbal teas throughout the day because those can really help sooth cravings as well. Like a good Roy Bose tea. Um, that's from South Africa, it is soothing and calming and it's the national tea of South Africa. Everyone from babies to grandfathers, they do drink this tea because it balances things out. So you've got to remember that another supplement I do want to recommend that I absolutely love is called Trafalgar. A T R I P H a L a. Some people pronounce it. Triphala Trafalgar, whatever. Okay. This is, um, definitely a supplement I always have on hand. I love it. It is great if you take it over time, like every day it balances the entire body and it's the most common used formula that's in this supplement. It's the most common used formula in India. It's got, it's contains three different berries, Malakai, bib. He talkie in Hari talkie fruit in the thousands of years of India's traditional IRA pick medicines. These are considered essential for good health. And this is the most widely used supplement, like I said in India and is often the only thing people take in addition to their regular diet while Tafolla is often used for constipation. It's excellent for that and to establish intestinal regularity. So even if you have diarrhea, it's good for that too. It is doing much more than that. By bringing healing and restored functionality to the entire intestinal tract. There is a saying in India, do you have a mother? If not, don't worry. You have Trafalgar. If health begins in the gut, as everyone now, suspects, this might be a great place to start in restoring that health to order yourself some Trafalgar and a you're going to notice a huge difference when you start taking that over time every day now, um, I think that's going to do it for today. I have a lot of information here on, on other things that I could talk about, but let's leave it there. I really gave you some good stuff on balancing electrolytes to help with those cravings and finding out I want to just recap here. So we're talking about balancing craving. So we don't crave junk, junk, junk food all the time, but also realizing that there is some beneficial things in our junk food. And it's okay sometimes to give into those cravings. And then we start remineralizing our body so that we don't feel depleted and always pick the junky stuff. And we do that by getting our electrolytes up to par. So double down on those electrolytes, help your body out, help it remineralize. If you've got headaches and things like that, it's could be a magnesium thing. So let's get you some more magnesium. Um, you want to balance the whole body tick trevalla that's what I like. Uh, Roy Bose tea is a good tea to sip on or herbal teas throughout the day, to help with cravings, getting low, getting your sleep at night, the sleep that you need, I would say anywhere from seven to 10 hours, for some of you, for some of us, we need the extra sleep to help heal our body properly, but be going to bed earlier. Don't stay up past 10. O'clock you guys, it's not worth it on, on the hormones and on the body. That's trying to repair and regenerate healthy cells. Let's let's be in bed by 10. Okay. I think that's fair. I think that's good. It really wouldn't be fair of me if I didn't mention salt because I it's part of our electrolytes and it needs to be talked about, in fact, I could do a whole podcast episode on salt alone. People aren't getting enough salt. They're scared of sodium intake, especially if they have high blood pressure. Rightfully so. I mean, there could be some damage done there. If you have too much salt, the salt I want you to be taking though is actually a Himalayan salt, a Celtic salt, um, just a really good salt. I like Redmond's real salt. So I'm happy to post that into the links. Okay. So that's, that's why the reason you need salt is it's going to help uptake those other minerals of Mag-Net magnesium, potassium, and calcium. Okay. You need a really all balanced, you need to altogether. And the salt really does help with that. And as you're getting salt, you're drinking more water, which our body needs, and you're not just flushing it out. The kidneys, the salts helping to retain it. And so insult salt has like 92 minerals in it alone. So when I see somebody where I do a health assessment with somebody who has high blood pressure, and then we keep talking and then now they're telling me they're having migraines and they feel depressed and they're anxious all the time. I'm asking them questions like, Oh, I see you have high blood pressure. You probably aren't taking a lot of salt in, are you? And sure enough, they don't do any salt because their doctors are scared them away from salt completely. And the white table salt should be feared. Okay. Stay away from that stuff. Uh, but the good salt, gosh, we need so much of it. In fact, I was learning that we need to actually 4,000 to 6,000 milligrams of salt a day, and that's three teaspoons per person. So if you can three teaspoon a day set that aside and be sprinkling it on your food, put it in your water. I would have you do that for a couple weeks and see if things don't clear up for you, whatever problems you're having, especially mental health problems, but rebalancing those mineral levels too. So salt. That's what I'll say about that. All right. Um, that's gonna do it for today's podcast episode on cravings. I want you to, to be able to overcome those cravings naturally. So I hope that these were some helpful tips for you so that you can, you can have the most healthy life possible. That's what I want for you. All right. Have a beautiful rest of your day. You guys, and I'll talk to you later. Bye. Bye

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Hey, if you enjoy this podcast, come on over and check out my coaching and all that I have to offer. Whether you're trying to lose weight, get the kids healthier, overcome hard challenges in your life, or you just need some support. I would be so excited to be your coach. I'm going to help you take all this material I teach here on the podcast and apply it to your life. Come on over to health coach, to learn more.

Speaker 2:
